디지털 공간의 건축색채해석에 관한 연구

A Study on the Interpretation of Architectural Color of Digital Space

  • 투고 : 2010.05.19
  • 심사 : 2010.07.09
  • 발행 : 2010.08.31


As various materials and new methods can be used due to developments in science and expansion of thinking, modern architectural color composes extensive possibilities exceeding its physical role of the past. In particular, rather than the initial external expression, the secondary connotative interpretation is more important in interpreting architectural color. This is because color interpretation changes the meaning of space based on light. Also, the development of digital technology has shifted the use of architectural color from passive realization to a more proactive concept and value. In other words, such shift leads to a new discussion on architectural color such as non-representation, invisibility, and non-physicality as the concept of fixed time, space and movement has been weakened. This paper begins by conceptualizing the digital space, a term widely used to interpret the architectural color of digital space. And it will be categorized as non-representational architectural color, invisible architectural color, and non-physical architectural color, by combining the characteristics of digital space with the modern architecture's color examples. Digital space overcoming the space time is differently interpreted from the past color expression. Modern architecture's color which substitutes the passive view with active body takes a role delivering various axes of discussions with synaesthesia.



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