This study used 3 kinds of experimental toothpaste prepared with different contents of SLS, i.e. A (0%), B (1.1%), C (2.2%). These 150 subjects were subdivided again into three groups. After 4 weeks application of the three kinds of toothpaste, it was found that there were differences in dental plaque test (PHP) among the 3 groups; that is; a higher SLS content was associated with a lower PHP index. In addition, it was found that all 3 groups showed a reduction in simplified oral hygiene index (OHI-S). After 4 weeks application of the three groups of toothpaste, it was found that a higher SLS content was associated with a lower salivary flow, but there was no significant variation in salivary mucosity and pH. Further, it was found that SLS was negatively correlated with salivary flow, which supports the theory that SLS may induce xerostomia.
본 논문은 SLS의 함유정도를 다르게 한 A(0%), B(1.1%), C(2.2%)의 세가지 실험세치제를 제작하여 구강 내 변화를 50명씩 세 그룹(A, B, C)으로 나누어 실험하였다 본 연구결과 SLS함량에 따른 세치제의 4주간 사용 후 3집단의 치면세균막 검사( PHP )에서 집단간차이가 나타났고 SLS함량이 높을수록 PHP의 지수가 낮아졌다. 또한 간이구강위생지수(OHI-S)에서는 A, B, C 세집단 모두에서 OHI-S 값이 줄었다. 또한 PHP와 OHI-S는 높은 상관성을 보였다. SLS함량에 따른 세치제의 4주간사용 후 3집단의 타액분비량 측정 시 SLS함량이 높아질수록 타액량이 감소하였고, 타액의 점조도 및 pH에는 변화가 없었다. SLS가 구강건조를 유발함을 뒷받침하는 결과로 SLS와 타액의 분비량은 음의 상관관계를 보였다.