단감의 박피가 영양성분 및 항산화 활성에 미치는 영향

Effect of Removed Peel from Sweet Persimmon on Nutritional Ingredients and Antioxidant Activities

  • 이수정 (경상대학교 식품영양학과.농업생명과학연구원) ;
  • 류지현 (경상대학교 식품영양학과.농업생명과학연구원) ;
  • 김라정 (경상대학교 식품영양학과.농업생명과학연구원) ;
  • 이현주 (한국국제대학교 식품과학부) ;
  • 성낙주 (경상대학교 식품영양학과.농업생명과학연구원)
  • Lee, Soo-Jung (Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition, Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Ryu, Ji-Hyun (Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition, Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Kim, Ra-Jeong (Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition, Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Lee, Hyun-Ju (Division of Food Science, International University of Korea) ;
  • Sung, Nak-Ju (Dept. of Food Science and Nutrition, Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 투고 : 2010.07.05
  • 심사 : 2010.08.03
  • 발행 : 2010.10.31


단감의 이용성을 증대하기 위하여 전과와 과육을 각각 동결건조한 후 이화학적 특성 및 생리활성을 비교하였다. 섬유소, 비타민 C 및 무기물 함량은 전과에서 높았으나, 아미노산의 함량은 과육에서 약 1.4배 정도 높았다. 동결건조 된 단감의 물 및 에탄올 추출물 중 총 페놀화합물은 전과에서 유의적으로 높았으나, 플라보노이드 함량은 유의차가 없었다. 추출물의 농도를 달리하여 생리활성을 비교한 결과, 물추출물보다는 에탄올 추출물, 과육에 비해 전과에서 활성이 높았다. 특히, ABTS, NO 라디칼 소거능, 환원력 및 tyrosinase 저해활성은 모든 농도에서 전과가 과육에 비해 유의적으로 높았다. 따라서 단감 가공 시 전과의 이용은 섬유소 및 비타민 C의 섭취량뿐만 아니라 생리활성의 증가에도 유효할 것으로 예상되었다.

This study was for the industrial application of functional food ingredients from whole fruits of sweet persimmon. Whole fruit and pulp of sweet persimmons were divided, and then lyophilized and powdered. Contents of crude fiber, vitamin C, and mineral were significantly higher in whole fruit than pulp of sweet persimmon. The amino acid content of whole fruit was 1.4 times higher than those of sweet persimmon pulp. In the biological activities of water and ethanol extracts from whole fruit and pulp of sweet persimmon, ethanol extract was higher than water extract, and whole fruit was higher than its pulp. The result which compared the biological activities of the water and ethanol extract from lyophilized sweet persimmon showed that total phenolic content was significantly higher in whole fruit of sweet persimmon, but flavonoid contents were not significantly different. Especially ABTS, NO radical scavenging activity, reducing power and tyrosinase inhibition activity were significantly higher in whole fruit extract than pulp extract of sweet persimmon. The relatively high content of fiber and vitamin C, and biological activity of whole fruit than pulp of sweet persimmon may be make it preferable as functional food materials for secondary processed goods.



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