Atmosphere (대기)
- Volume 20 Issue 1
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- Pages.49-61
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- 2010
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- 1598-3560(pISSN)
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- 2288-3266(eISSN)
Policy Studies for Advancing Aerosol Research on Climate Change in Korea
기후변화 대응 에어러솔 연구 발전을 위한 정책 연구
Kim, Jiyoung
(Korea Meteorological Administration) ;
- Lee, YongSeob (Korea Meteorological Administration) ;
- Shin, Im Chul (Korea Meteorological Administration)
- Received : 2010.01.26
- Accepted : 2010.02.27
- Published : 2010.03.31
Atmospheric aerosols play a crucial role for changing climate, resulting in a wide range of uncertainty for future climate prediction. In this paper we review current international research status and trend of climate-related aerosol science. There have been carried out a number of campaigns (including ACE-Asia, TRACE-P, ABC, and so on) and special experiments with some modeling studies over Korea, East Asia, and the Northwestern Pacific to characterize the various properties (physical, chemical, optical, and radiative) of Asian aerosols and evaluate their climate forcing impacts. But some parts of the aerosol research may need to be improved, advanced, or newly launched. Especially, a chemical transport model (CTM) embedded by a general circulation model (GCM) should be developed by the national scientific community with a high research priority, actively collaborating with international community in order to estimate direct and indirect global radiative forcing due to anthropogenic and natural aerosols.