The Thermal conductivity analysis and performance evaluation on the pavement applying geothermal snow melting system

지열 융설시스템을 적용한 포장체의 열전도분석 및 구조안전성 검토

  • Received : 2010.04.07
  • Accepted : 2010.05.17
  • Published : 2010.06.01


A sliding accident on the road have a high percentage by road freezing, especially, it is often appeared at bridges and tunnel of freezing areas. Thus, the stability of road operations is enhanced by preventing a partial freezing phenomenon. According to the geothermal snow melting system analysis, a pattern of thermal conductivity is found out about pavement materials of concrete and asphalt when it is buried. For the feasibility study on geothermal snow melting system, analysis of the ground melting point when operating system, life evaluation of pavements and safety evaluation of pipes are performed.



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