한국 5세 아동의 이야기 완성과제에 대한 나레이티브 반응 경향성

Profiles of Story Stem Narrative Reponses in 5 Year-Old Korean Children

  • 투고 : 2010.08.05
  • 심사 : 2010.08.31
  • 발행 : 2010.10.31


This study explored the common response profiles in the narrative stories of typically developing 5 year-old Korean Children. Fourteen story stems from the MacArthur Story Stem Battery (MSSB, Bretherton, Oppenheim, & the MacArthur Story Stem Network, 1990) were administered to 156(85 boys and 71 girls) children recruited from 8 Kindergartens in the Seoul and Gyung-gi areas. The children's responses were aggregated into 5 dimensions, based on content themes and performance scores which included emotions expressed and narrative coherence using the MacArthur Narrative Coding System (Robinson, Mantz-Simmions, Macfie, & MacArthur Narrative Working Group, 2004). Data were analyzed by means of cluster analysis. 5 response profiles emerged over the course of this research : Prosocial, Anxiety, Dysregulated aggression, Anxious/Avoidance, and Avoidance profiles. When 14 story stems were grouped into 3 story contexts (stories included interpersonal conflicts, moral conflicts, and empathy) and were analyzed separately according to the story contexts, 3 common profiles (a Prosocial profile, a Constrained profile and an Anxiety profile) emerged across the story contexts, however, there were additional, unique profiles for each of the story contexts.



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