농촌지역 유치원 혼합연령반의 서로 다른 위험요인을 가진 두 누나의 역할 경험

Role Experiences of Two Elder Sisters who have Different Risk Factors from the Rural Mixed-age Preschool Class

  • 정계숙 (부산대학교 유아교육과) ;
  • 고은경 (부산대학교 어린이상담실) ;
  • 견주연 (부산대학교 어린이상담실)
  • 투고 : 2010.06.28
  • 심사 : 2010.09.15
  • 발행 : 2010.10.31


This study inquired into the life and experiences of two elder sisters who have different individual and familial risk factors and their younger brothers from the mixed-age preschool class through ethnographic research method using participant observation. The results showed that an elder sister from low-income multi-children family played her role very actively through caring for, learning and playing with younger brother during almost of the play situations. On the other hand, the other elder sister who has experience of depression, showed strong possessiveness and neglect of younger brother. As for psychological aspects of sibling relationship, the elder sisters were suffering psychological stresses resulted from excessive role expectation in family or from self-recognition on elder sister role, respectively.



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