이비인후과 영역에서 일반의와 전문의에 의한 외래처방전의 비교 평가

Comparative Evaluation of Drug Use for Outpatients Prescribed by General Practitioner and Specialized Practitioner in ENT Area

  • Min, Hyun-Seong (College of Pharmacy, CBITRC, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Song, Tae-Beom (College of Pharmacy, CBITRC, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Lee, Myung-Koo (College of Pharmacy, CBITRC, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Jang, Je-Kwan (College of Pharmacy, CBITRC, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Lee, Chong-Kil (College of Pharmacy, CBITRC, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Lim, Sung-Cil (College of Pharmacy, CBITRC, Chungbuk National University)
  • 투고 : 2010.03.25
  • 심사 : 2010.06.10
  • 발행 : 2010.08.31


As people are easy to access the National Health Insurance, medical health service has been increased. It contributed to extend human's average life expectancy and to get better health care. But also increased unnecessary health service or inappropriate drug use. Therefore, DUR (Drug Use Review) is needed to induce appropriate drug use. The purpose of this study is to evaluate outpatient prescriptions by General Practitioner (GP) and Specialized Practitioner, especially indication for ENT referral including common cold which is the frequent indications that have patient see doctor. This study was reviewed retrospectively prescriptions for ENT referral collected at the A pharmacy for ENT Clinic in Cheong-Ju, B pharmacy for GP Clinic in BoEun from Feb 2nd, 2009 to Feb 28th, 2009. Each pharmacy located closed to the each enrolled clinic. The numbers of collected prescriptions were each A pharmacy (n=2501), B pharmacy (n=1343). This study was classified Drug Related Problems (DRPs) those prescriptions had as total 6 groups according to following 6 categories; 1) Unnecessary Drug, 2) Wrong Drug, 3) Low Dose, 4) Overdose, 5) Wrong Instruction, 6) Wrong Combination. In results, Specialized Practitioner's prescriptions had more DRPs than General Practitioner's prescriptions (ENT 155.34% vs GP 130.01%). In detail, Specialized Practitioner's prescriptions had more DRPs in Low Dose (ENT 16.95% vs GP 4.77%), Overdose (ENT 6.72% vs G.P 5.51%), Wrong Instruction (ENT 7.91% vs GP 5.81%), Wrong Combination (ENT 29.31% vs GP 25.09%). These DRPs would be caused from lack of consideration for dosage and drug interaction. General Practitioner's prescriptions had more DRPs in Unnecessary Drug (ENT 70.37% vs GP 78.85%), Wrong drug (ENT 4.12% vs GP 9.98%). These DRPs would be associated with drug selection. This study was assumed that Specialized Practitioner is better prescriber than General Practitioner because Specialized Practitioner complete additional intern and residency training. But, Specialized Practitioner is not always better prescriber than General Practitioner. Furthermore, prescriptions of both Specialized Practitioner and General Practitioner had many problems. In conclusion, It could be cut down the excessive medical expense and expected more efficient medical care by reducing DRPs, thus contributing to the improvement of national health. In order to pharmacist must have good professional ability of pharmacotherapy to help the physician for the drug selection.



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