Deformation Characteristics of Subgrade Materials and Soil at Abutment

노상토 및 보조기층 재료의 변형특성

  • 송창섭 (충북대학교 지역건설공학과) ;
  • 임성윤 (한국도로공사 도로교통연구원 지반팀)
  • Received : 2010.04.07
  • Accepted : 2010.05.12
  • Published : 2010.05.31


It is very important to select carefully backfill materials and build for the structural integrity of abutment in bridge. In general, backfill materials of unbound crushed stones (SB-1) are used to provide the safety of abutment structure and to reduce differential settlement around abutment that is significantly related with performance of road pavement under working conditions. In this study, to evaluate the compatibility of backfill materials at abutment and to develop the abutment design program, i) basic properties of subgrade soils in Korea, ii) evaluation of deformational characteristics of backfill materials from RC/TS tests, cyclic TX tests and Creep tests were accomplished.



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