Leadership in Design Management by Prentice Hall's Self-Assessment

  • Received : 2010.05.11
  • Accepted : 2010.04.13
  • Published : 2010.06.28


This paper compares and contrasts four different kinds of leadership models in Design Management. Similarities and differences between these four models in contemporary leadership issues and challenges are analyzed and described. Each model will demonstrate the effects of leadership and how these leaders use the different approaches to develop their leadership style in their design field. This paper proposes that contemporary leadership in Design Management involves a unique bonding among leaders and followers, and more flexible and developed leadership will continue in the understanding and skill with which applying to the dynamic of organization change. The results and application of each model's assessment indicate a team of leaders that are capable of achieving excellence through their combined talents and vision to achieve in design fields using their potential inability of their own leadership.



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