송아지 바이러스성 호흡기 질병 중화항체 조사

Prevelance of neutralizing antibody related with viral respiratory disease in cattle

  • 심사 : 2010.09.07
  • 발행 : 2010.09.30


Fifty young calves, about five to six months old purchased from nation-wide were investigated with the prevelance of neutralizing antibody (Ab) of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBRV), parainfluenza 3 virus ($PI_{3}V$), bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV). The positive detection ratio of neutralizing Ab against IBRV was only 3% and two of positive samples showed low antibody titer (below 2). Ab against BRSV showed 48% of positive ratio and among 24 positive samples, antibody titer of 23 samples were below 3. But in the case of BVDV, 68% of samples were positive and 23 samples appeared to possess high antibody titer, above 4 and the antibody titer of five samples were above 8. The highest positive result came from $PI_{3}V$. The positive ratio in the samples investigated in this study was 72%, but the antibody titer of positive samples were generally below 3 (77.8% in positive samples).



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