응급 수부 미세수술 후 통증, 기분 및 외상 후 위기 정도의 변화양상

Changes in Pain, Mood and Posttrauma Risk Level of Patients with Acute Hand Microsurgery

  • 투고 : 2010.04.28
  • 심사 : 2010.06.10
  • 발행 : 2010.06.30


Purpose: The purposes of this study were to explore changes in pain, mood and the level of posttrauma risk for 2 weeks after acute hand microsurgery and determine predictors of pain 2-week after microsurgery. Method: Using a sample of 84 patients with hand microsurgery, pain, mood, and posttrauma risk were measured by the Brief Pain Inventory-Korea, the modified Profile of mood states, and the Posttrauma risk checklist at 1-day, 1-week and 2-week post-microsurgery. Repeated measures ANOVA and Multiple regression analysis were conducted to evaluate changes in pain, mood, and posttrauma risk over time after the surgery and determine predictors of pain 2-week after the surgery. Results: Pain significantly decreased (F=63.22, p<.001), mood significantly improved (F=41.04, p<.001) 2 weeks after microsurgery and interestingly, posttrauma risk significantly decreased from baseline to 1-week microsurgery but increased at 2-week after microsurgery (F=24.66, p<.001). Approximately 57% of the variance of pain 2-week post-microsurgery was explained by pain at 1-week post-microsurgery, mood and the numbers of injured fingers. Conclusion: The findings suggest the pain control for 1week after acute surgery being critical and posttrauma rehabilitation of injured finger being necessary. Developing nursing interventions is urgently needed to help individuals with impending hand microsurgery.



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