Herbal Prescriptional Study of Bangpungtongsungsan

방풍통성산(防風通聖散)에 대한 역제학(方劑學)적 연구(硏究)

  • Received : 2010.03.17
  • Accepted : 2010.06.12
  • Published : 2010.06.30


From the Herbal Prescriptional Study of Bangpungtongsungsan(防風通聖散, BPTS). It can be concluded as follows. 1. The origin of BPTS is the book of sunmyungronbang(宣明論方) in 1172. BPTS' hebal compositons are not changed in history, but it's doses had been changed. When BPTS are written to dongeuibogam(東醫寶鑑) in 1610, that's doses are added 0.75g to each herbs dose according to the korean people's constitution. 2. BPTS are composed of five elemental prescriptions. that are yugilsan(六一散), bakhotang(白虎湯), hoechunyanggyeoksan(回春凉膈散), jowiseunggitang(調胃承氣湯) and saengryosamultang(生料四物湯), and three subsidiary prescriptions and some herbs have collateral effects in BPTS. 3. BPTS can cure some diseases that are cause by fever with wind, heat in gastrointestinal tract, anemia after childbirth, heat that is caused by kidney's disease, hemorrhoids, alcoholic poisoning, contusion and constipation that are caused by intestinal heat. 4. BPTS can cure hypertension, hyperlipidemia and Obesity also.



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