A Study on the Actual State and Prospect for a Diminishing in Population of Rural Community

농촌 과소화 실태와 전망

  • Received : 2010.10.15
  • Accepted : 2010.12.10
  • Published : 2010.12.30


Recent years, being advanced the phenomena of fewness and aging rapidly in rural areas, rural community has been collapsed fastly. This study is aimed for two intentions: the one is identification of the actual conditions of rural diminishing in population, and the other is having a view of real picture of it in future. The major result of this study is summarized as follows. First, as a result of the rural area's shrinking for a long time advanced, the rural community has grown to under the minimum autogenesis level. Futher more this study have a look out in ten years later that rural community will diminish in population to 42% size compared with now, and the number of elder than 80 years old occupy a half of total population in a standard case. Such a consequence of this study implies no doubt that the rural development policy must lay a stress to cope with a serious situation of rural scantiness. And policy conversion calls for having a new understanding of this situation first.



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