서울시 주민생활지원을 위한 공공시설의 현황 및 복합화 특성에 관한 조사연구

Research on the Status Inquiry and Complex Characters of Public Facilities for the Community Life Style in Seoul

  • 서귀숙 (숭실대학교 건축학부 실내건축)
  • 투고 : 2009.11.27
  • 심사 : 2010.03.24
  • 발행 : 2010.04.25


The aim of this research is to understand the characteristics and status of existing public facilities, in order to propose the necessary basic materials for the planning and development of improved public facilities to assist communities. Objects of this research are the public facilities provided by the Government throughout the 25gu in Seoul. The methods of this research were carried out through the home page of each facility, telephone inquiries and gujung backseo. Investigations were carried out 3 times between the periods of January-June and September in 2009. Results of the research are as follows - 1) Through the investigations of classifications and distribution status of 5 public facilities over 25gu, quantity supply problems were analyzed. 2) Building distributions of 5 public facilities were classified by types and analyzed. 3) A number of compound facilities were classified and analyzed to determine the complexities of the 5 public facilities. 4) Complex types and characteristics of public facilities in 25gu in Seoul were analyzed. Based on the results of the research, the following conclusions are drawn: 1) Public facilities throughout the 25gu in Seoul have common characteristics and functions and they are spread out evenly in each gu. This means that public facilities are standardized in Seoul. Characteristic public facilities suitable to each gu should be planned accordingly. 2) Public facilities in Seoul show a single form of one facility. Therefore, initiative plans for the complexity of facilities are required. 3) Complex public facilities in Seoul need to be the center of community life in each gu. It is necessary to take into account the diverse life styles and classified needs of residents for complex facilities. Based on the research, complex types such as public administrative+cultural facilities, culture+welfare facilities, medical+welfare facilities can be presented. These complex types should not be classified according to any particular use, but they should be commonly used by diverse generations and every social class. The inquiries of users of public facilities and the programs of each public facility are not included in this research. Thus, the reseaarch limits the proposals for complex public facilities. In the future, the characteristics of each gu in Seoul should be studied and understood, so that appropriate public facilities and their complex plans can be researched continuously and necessarily.



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