A Study of Fake Design in the Fashion of the 2000s

2000년대 패션에 표현된 페이크 디자인 연구

  • 박은경 (인천대학교 패션산업학과)
  • Received : 2010.01.25
  • Accepted : 2010.02.25
  • Published : 2010.03.31


The purpose of this study is to analyze the expressional traits and internal meanings of fake design in the 2000s' fashion, based on study of art and design area. For achieving the purpose, this study performed related research works and a demonstrative analysis of fashion collection photographs. The scope of this study is from 2000 to 2009. The results are as follows. Fake design uses trompe-l'oeil which is an art technique related to the meanings of 'deceive or fool the eye'. This eye-deceiving technique has been used for a long time in the art, and particularly noticed as one of techniques of Surrealism. Art works using trompe-l'oeil express familiar and unreasonable world at the same time, and also the fusion of reality and fabrication. Fake design in design area of the 2000s makes people take daily life in unfamiliar way by unusualness and breaking the boundary between real and fake. By fake design, people can enjoy fun and a sense of freedom with amusement rather than unpleasant of being deceived. Fake design in the fashion of the 2000s uses eye-deceiving technique and also focuses on the concept of 'fake'. The expressional traits were categorized as realistic expression, surrealistic expression and fake value expression. The internal meanings were analyzed as breaking boundary between real and fake, rediscover dailiness, new attitude to traditional thinking. In conclusion, fake design in the fashion of the 2000s gives playfulness, fun, feeling of release and will be pursued continually.



Supported by : 인천대학교


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