Development of Cultural Products Using Baeja of the Joseon Dynasty

조선시대 배자류를 활용한 문화상품 개발

  • Received : 2009.12.07
  • Accepted : 2010.02.03
  • Published : 2010.03.31


It is time to create an image of Korea that uniquely defines and represents the nation to the world, by incorporating Korean traditions with the cultural industry. To this end, it is important to see the beauty of Korean tradition from an academic perspective and further explore its utility from an industrial viewpoint. This study is intended to design uniforms for employees in Korean restaurants at hotels or docents in Korean-styled museums. In doing so, we eyed on Baeja, a Korean traditional vest as the cultural archetype, and created cultural products. As our archetype, we chose two pieces of Baeja : one excavated from the tomb of Suryun Sim (1534-1589) which is displayed in the Gyeonggi Provincial Museum, and the other from Byeon of the Jeonju Lee family (1636-1731) in Suk Joo-Sun Memorial Museum at Dankook University. We also adopted Dapho with a Korean traditional vest with long length. Based on these cultural archetypes, seven products were developed. With the traditional food and way of living in Korea being more and more recognized in the global stage, it would be continuous creation and development of cultural contents with history and story rooted in the cultural heritage of the nation that could enrich our culture by bringing traditions back to the modern days to incorporate the past into the present. It is important to restore traditions when developing cultural products. However, it is also critical to commercialize ideas with stoη and creativity in the market for cultural products.



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