• Received : 2010.07.12
  • Accepted : 2010.11.11
  • Published : 2010.12.30


Let D be an integral domain with quotient field K,$\mathcal{I}(D)$ be the set of nonzero ideals of D, and $w$ be the star-operation on D defined by $I_w=\{x{\in}K{\mid}xJ{\subseteq}I$ for some $J{\in}\mathcal{I}(D)$ such that J is finitely generated and $J^{-1}=D\}$. The D is called a Pr$\ddot{u}$fer $v$-multiplication domain if $(II^{-1})_w=D$ for all nonzero finitely generated ideals I of D. In this paper, we show that D is a Pr$\ddot{u}$fer $v$-multiplication domain if and only if $(A{\cap}(B+C))_w=((A{\cap}B)+(A{\cap}C))_w$ for all $A,B,C{\in}\mathcal{I}(D)$, if and only if $(A(B{\cap}C))_w=(AB{\cap}AC)_w$ for all $A,B,C{\in}\mathcal{I}(D)$, if and only if $((A+B)(A{\cap}B))_w=(AB)_w$ for all $A,B{\in}\mathcal{I}(D)$, if and only if $((A+B):C)_w=((A:C)+(B:C))_w$ for all $A,B,C{\in}\mathcal{I}(D)$ with C finitely generated, if and only if $((a:b)+(b:a))_w=D$ for all nonzero $a,b{\in}D$, if and only if $(A:(B{\cap}C))_w=((A:B)+(A:C))_w$ for all $A,B,C{\in}\mathcal{I}(D)$ with B, C finitely generated.



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