For the development of design chart for drilled shafts socketed into weathered zone, the 6 bi-directional pile load tests with load transfer measurements done in two in-situ sites were performed. Also, DCPTs were performed in each test point. Maximum unit skin frictions and maximum unit end bearing capacities from pile load test results were analyzed. Inter-relationships between DCPT's characteristics were also analyzed. In the soils, the inter-relationships of maximum unit skin friction and DCPT appeared so low. But in the weathered zones, inter-relationships between maximum unit skin friction / maximum unit end bearing capacity and DCPT were so high that the coefficient of correlation is over 0.70.
국내 풍화대 지반에 적용가능한 설계도표를 작성하기 위하여 2개소 현장에서 총 6개의 양방향고유양말뚝재하시험 및 하중전이시험을 수행하였으며, 또한 각각 위치에서는 한국형타격콘관입시험 (DCPT)을 수행하였다. 말뚝재하시혐의 결과로부터 심도별 최대단위선단지지력올 분석하였으며 DCPT 결과를 이용하여 이들의 상관성을 분석하였다. 토사(사질토, 점토)지반에서는 최대단위주변마찰력과 DCPT의 상관성이 매우 낮게 나타났으나 풍화대지반에서는 최대단위주변마찰력 / 최대단위선단지지력과 DCPT의 관계에서는 상관계수가 0.70이상으로 높게 나타났다.