A Study on Community Members' Cultural Sensitivity about Immigrant Wives

결혼이민여성에 대한 지역사회 구성원의 문화적 민감성에 대한 연구

  • 김민경 (남서울대학교 아동복지학과)
  • Received : 2009.07.15
  • Accepted : 2010.02.12
  • Published : 2010.02.28


The present study examined the cultural sensitivity of community members to migrant wives in Korea. A total of 12 community members: 4 neighbors, 4 practitioners, and 4 public officials from both urban and rural area were interviewed about their prior experiences with migrant wives. The participants provided their personal feelings and thoughts on a variety of issues involving migrant wives, such as cultural integration, cultural knowledge, opportunity equality, cultural originality, language usage, openness, and the movement toward a more multicultural society. Interview results indicated that the participants had perceived others' prejudice toward migrant wives in Korean society; the results also indicated that they wanted to participate in cultural festivals and gain knowledge of other cultures. The majority of the participants endorsed a uni-directional perspective on cultural adaption, and they thought of migrant wives as community members. The participants' attitudes toward a multicultural society were both positive and negative, and they suggested that Korean society is moving toward a broader perspective. Implications of the study and directions for future research were discussed.



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