Recently it has reported that the motorcycle is a major source of air pollution in urban area by many studies. But the air pollution emission from motorcycle has been high uncertainty due investigation of a lack of activity data and emission factors in Korea. So in this study, the population of moped and VKT (Vehicle kilometers travelled) of motorcycle are investigated for calculation of the emission from this source categories. As the results, the population of moped is estimated as about 400, 000 and corresponded as 23% of registrated motorcycle which is larger than 50 cc in engine displacement. And it is found that the VKT of moped and motorcycle are investigated as 19.1 km/day and 32.3 km/day. Annual air pollution emission from motorcycle and moped are estimated by investigated VKT and updated emission factors. The nationwide emissions of PM_{10}, CO, $NO_x$, VOC are calculated as 910 ton/yr, 208, 198 ton/yr, 3, 032 ton/yr and 25, 575 ton/yr in 2008. The contribution ratio of CO, VOC emission from these sources are estimated as 29%, 24% in on-road transport sector and it is confirmed that motorcycle and moped are major air pollution sources in urban area.