Analyzing Trends in Retail Alliances

유통산업의 리테일 제휴 현황 분석

  • Received : 2010.08.25
  • Accepted : 2010.09.28
  • Published : 2010.12.31


Alliances, collaborations and partnerships are essential practices in today's business. The purpose of this study was to understand the trends in retail alliances by analyzing the patterns of alliances in the Korean retail market. Retail alliance cases were collected from the published news article database in a major internet portal. A total of 1,061 retail alliance cases for the first decade of the 2000s were categorized into the alliances: 1) within the same retail format and 2) across different formats within the retail industry; and 3) with service industries and 4) with manufacturing industries outside the retail industry. The study described the patterns on the characteristics of participating retailers and partners, industries involved, and alliance types for each of the four categories.



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