Although some large units, upper than division, have a identification system, most of them depend on US military. Especially, the company unit can not but execute GOP(General OutPost) guidance and battles inefficiently because they apply the method of conventional identification system. urrently, North Korea causes the high tension of peninsular by experimenting nuclear weapons and launching ICBM(Intercontinental Ballistic Missile). In addition, ROK military will reduce the number of personnel and division through reorganizing the structure into NCW (Network Centric Warfare) until 2020. These unstable situation and future tendency require the high technical identification system based on USN(Ubiquitous Sensor Network) in company unit level. his study suggests the method that the company unit apply the identification system based on USN which distinguish between friend and foe in the warfare. The identification system concludes the results through experiment of military analysis model (AWAM; Army Weapon effectiveness Analysis Model). After analyzing the experiment results, it indicates the budget requirement and operational operability of identification system. This will be able to improves battle efficiency and to prevent damages of friendly forces.