A Study on the Sasang Constitutional application of Clinical Acupuncture

임상 침법의 사상의학적 활용

  • Received : 2010.10.19
  • Accepted : 2010.12.01
  • Published : 2010.12.31


Objective : This study aims to search Four-constitution Medicine based acupuncture by investigators and its effect on constitution-specific symptoms. Method : Among 463 oriental medical doctors who are the members of society of Four-constitution Medicine, 191 results are collected. The items of the questionnaire are sex, age, work experiences, working type, constitution diagnosis & prescription, the use of constitution acupuncture and so on. Result : The proportion of acupuncture treatment applied constitution-based acupuncture to patients are "Must Use" 12.6%, "Almost Use" 14.1%, "Sometimes Use" 42.9% and "Never Use" is 1.0%. The average ratio of patients treated by constitution-based acupuncture to all patients is 47%. 1. Digestive tract disease is found to be the most effective disease with constitution based acupuncture. Musculoskelectal problems, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, neuropsychiatric disease and urogenital disease are followed. On the oriental medicine, spleen system disease is the most frequently applied and heart system disease, neuropsychiatric disease, liver system disease, locomotorium disease and pulmonary system disease are followed. 2. Acupuncture therapeutic measures are different according to disease. For example, Sa-am acupuncture is the most widely used for spleen system disease, locomotorium disease, heart system disease, neuropsychiatric disease, pulmonary system disease. Eight constitution medicine acupuncture is effective for ophthalmic & otolaryngologic disease. Conclusion : This study is to investigate constitution-based acupuncture technique. In conclusion, the most widely used technique is Sa-am acupuncture and it is the most successful in treating digestive tract disease.



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