부석사의 석단 고찰 - "화엄경"."십지품"과의 관계를 중심으로 -

A Study on Stone Platforms of the Buseoksa Temple - In Relations to the "Hwaeomgyeong" and "Sipjipum" -

  • 투고 : 2009.12.01
  • 심사 : 2010.04.13
  • 발행 : 2010.04.30


1) The structural system of "Hwaeomgyeong" has its core in the fact it deals with certain themes repeatedly on the basis of "Sipjipum" as a system of discipline.( The key of Euisang's ideas lay in referring to the whole "Hwaeomgyeong" as Beopseong and expressing it with the term, 'Haeng'. Here 'Haeng' is a system of discipline based on "Sipjipum". This indicates that "Hwaeomgyeong" can be fully represented just by "Sipjipum" because the twos are structurally similar) (1) In "Sipjipum", a summary of "Hwaeomgyeong" is contained. Thus descriptions of "Sipjipum" may be like those of "Hwaeomgyeong". (2) "Hwaeomgyeong" had a three-dimensional spatial structure which corresponds with the Heaven of Yok Gye Yuk Cheon and the Earth, when associated with places of preaching Buddhist sermons. 2) This researcher investigated stone platforms of the Buseoksa Temple with references to "Hwaeomgyeong" and "Sipjipum". 1) All the platforms, whether their building is still remained on them or not, comply better with implications of "Sipjipum". 2) Different heights of the stone platforms and the axial refraction of the platforms brought by their shape changes all imply variations in discipline levels descrided in "Sipjipum", in terms of form and symbolic implication. Sites which mainly compose the stone platforms also comply with descriptions contained in "Hwaeomgyeong" regarding the place, frequency and contents of preaching Buddhist sermons. In conclusion, the outside of the Buseoksa Temple is composed of architectural spaces for which contents of "Hwaeomgyeong" and "Sipjipum" and the frequency and place of preaching Buddhist sermons are fully considered and comprehended.



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