Purpose: Poland's syndrome encompasses a constellation of congenital chest wall, breast, and upper extremity deformities. We would like to present several techniques, which may be combined if necessary, used to treat the forms involving both the breast and chest wall according to the degree of deformity. Methods: In a retrospective series of 9 patients (3 men and 6 women), we report our experience with reconstructing breast and chest contour deformities associated with Poland syndrome. We recorded their age, gender, the surgical techniques, and the grade in Poland's syndrome according to the classification of Foucras. Results: The breast and chest wall deformities associated with Poland syndrome can be treated in individualized fashion according to the classification of Foucras. In case of 3 male patients with gradeI, II, the latissimus dorsi muscle pedicled flap improved the chest contour deformity. 3 female patients with grade II underwent the latissimus dorsi muscle pedicled flap with breast implant. 2 female patients with gradeIunderwent breast reconstruction with breast implant and fat injection each other. One female patient with severe chest wall deformity (grade III) underwent breast reconstruction using the free TRAM flap. All patients were satisfied with the results without specific complications. Conclusion: The Individualized correction for this syndrome according to the degree of patient's deformity and preference made the overall satisfaction of the patients high.