The Relationship Between Colonial Experience and Economic Growth in Latin America

라틴아메리카의 식민경험과 경제성장의 상관관계

  • 이상현 (부산외국어대학교 중남미지역원)
  • Received : 2010.04.30
  • Accepted : 2010.06.22
  • Published : 2010.06.30


The main purpose of this study is to reveal the historical origins of Latin American economic underdevelopment, by answering two research questions; 1)'Why is Latin America underdeveloped?' and 2)'How has colonial experience impacted on the economic growth in Latin America?' First, this essay analyzes long-term tendency of growth domestic product(GDP) per capita data. The data verify that current underdevelopment of Latin American economy is the result of economic stagnation during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when Latin America suffered political and economic instability before and after the independence from Spain and Portugal. It elucidates that colonial experience affected on the economic growth in Latin America. Second, this essay reviews key independent variables of the relationship between colonial experience and economic growth in Latin America. To do so, the study categorizes extant literature into two groups according to the type of its independent variables: 1)internal factor and 2)external factor. Finally, the essay surveys the role of institutions in Latin American economic growth and development. The survey confirms that the importance of institutions in the study of Latin American economic history. In addition, the essay suggests some tasks for further research in Latin American economic history; 1)the construction of basic economic data, 2)the substantialization of the role and characteristics of institutions, and 3)the expansion of research on institutions which overcomes ideological rigidity of existing institutional approach.



이 논문은 2008년 정부(교육과학기술부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(KRF-2008-362-A00003)