Association between the Polymorphism in FUT1 Gene and the Resistance to PWD and ED in Three Pig Breeds

  • Luo, Yanru (Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics and Breeding of the Ministry of Agriculture, College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University) ;
  • Qiu, Xiaotian (National Center of Preservation and Utilization of Genetic Resources of Domestic Animals and Forage, National Animal Husbandry Service Station) ;
  • Li, Hejun (Shanghai Animal Disease Control Center) ;
  • Zhang, Qin (Key Laboratory of Animal Genetics and Breeding of the Ministry of Agriculture, College of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University)
  • 투고 : 2009.12.24
  • 심사 : 2010.04.04
  • 발행 : 2010.10.01


Post-weaning diarrhoea (PWD) and oedema disease (ED) caused by E. coli F18 always result in economic losses to pig producers, and no effective methods of controlling PWD and ED are presently available. FUT1 has been identified as a candidate gene controlling the expression of E. coli F18 receptor. This study examined the correlation between F18ab and F18ac adhesion phenotypes and the polymorphism at position M307 of the FUT1 gene in three pig breeds (231 Large White, 107 Landrace and 109 Songliao Black). The results showed: i) Both the susceptible genotypes (GG and GA) and the adhesion phenotypes (adhesive or weekly adhesive) were dominant in all three breeds with frequencies over 95%. ii) Three adhesion patterns of the two F18 variants F18ab and F18ac, i.e., ($ab^+$, $ac^+$), ($ab^+$, $ac^-$) and ($ab^-$, $ac^-$), were found in all three breeds, and there was no significant difference in the distribution of adhesion phenotypes of the two variants (separately or jointly) among the three breeds (p>0.05). iii) The FUT1 M307 genotypes were completely associated with the F18ab adhesion phenotypes and very strongly associated with the F18ac adhesion phenotypes. All individuals of genotype AA were non-adhesive to both F18ab and F18ac. All individuals of genotype GG or GA were adhesive to F18ab, whereas 11% of them were non-adhesive to F18ac. These results suggest that the polymorphism at FUT1 M307 can be used for marker-assisted selection of PWD and ED resistant pigs.



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