QoSNC: A Novel Approach to QoS-Based Network Coding for Fixed Networks

  • Salavati, Amir Hesam (Information Systems and Security Lab(ISSL), Sharif University of Technology) ;
  • Khalaj, Babak Hossein (Department of Electrical Engineering and the Advanced Communications Research Institute(ACRI), Sharif University of Technology) ;
  • Crespo, Pedro M. (CEIT and Tecnun, University of Navarra) ;
  • Aref, Mohammad Reza (Information Systems and Security Lab(ISSL), Sharif University of Technology)
  • 발행 : 2010.02.28


In this paper, we present a decentralized algorithm to find minimum cost quality of service (QoS) flow subgraphs in network coded multicast schemes. The main objective is to find minimum cost subgraphs that also satisfy user-specified QoS constraints, specifically with respect to rate and delay demands. We consider networks with multiple multicast sessions. Although earlier network coding algorithms in this area have demonstrated performance improvements in terms of QoS parameters, the proposed QoS network coding approach provides a framework that guarantees QoS constraints are actually met over the network.



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