Nd:YAG UV 레이저를 이용한 연성회로 다층기판 절단특성에 대한 연구

An analysis of Cutting Characteristic of Multilayer FPCB using Nd:YAG UV Laser System

  • 발행 : 2010.03.01


The FPCB is used for electronic products such as LCD display. The process of manufacturing FPCB includes a cutting process, in which each single FPCB is cut and separated from the panel where a series of FPCBs are arrayed. The most-widely used cutting method is the mechanical punching, which has the problem of creating burrs and cracks. In this paper, the cutting characteristics of the FPCB have been experimented using Nd:YAG DPSS UV laser as a way of solving this problem. To maximize the industrial application of this laser cutting process, test samples of the multilayered FPCB have been chosen as it is actually needed in industry. The cutting area of the FPCB has four different types of layer structure. First, to cut the test sample, the threshold laser cut-off fluence has been found. Various combinations of laser and process parameters have been made to supply the acquired laser cut-off fluence. The cutting characteristics in terms of the variation of the parameters are analyzed. The laser and process parameters are optimized, in order to maximize the cutting speed and to reach the best quality of the cutting area. The laser system for the process automation has been also developed.



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