Micro replication quality of Fresnel lens using UV imprinting process

UV 임프린팅을 통한 프레넬 렌즈 제작 시 미세 복제 특성에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2010.03.10
  • Accepted : 2010.03.22
  • Published : 2010.03.25


Fresnel lens is a kind of refractive optical lens with various advantages. It has nearly flat shaped optical lens that has small mass. Fresnel lens has number of applications in the compact optical systems. Recently, demands of high quality Fresnel lens for small size optical systems such as illumination units, compact imaging systems, display units, information storage systems, optical detecting units had increased rapidly. Conventional manufacturing process of high quality Fresnel lens is direct machining. However, it is not suitable for mass production because of high cost and long cycle time. Replication method can provide cost effective mass production process. However, there are various issues about replication of Fresnel lens. Fresnel lens has number of sharp blade shape prism. In the replication process, this blade shape causes defects that can affect optical efficiency. In this study, replication processes; injection molding process and UV imprinting process, were developed and evaluated using Fresnel lens that has maximum pattern height of $250\;{\mu}m$ and aspect ratio of 1.5.



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