경부 종물에서 3차원 재건 영상과 적출 조직 사진의 비교

Comparison of 3D Reconstruction Image and Medical Photograph of Neck Tumors

  • 유영삼 (인제대학교 의과대학 상계백병원 이비인후과학교실)
  • Yoo, Young-Sam (Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Sanggye Paik Hospital, College of Medicine, Inje University)
  • 발행 : 2010.11.26


Objectives : Getting full information from axial CT images needs experiences and knowledge. Sagittal and coronal images could give more information but we have to draw 3-dimensional images in mind with above informations. With aid of 3D reconstruction softwares, CT data are converted to visible 3D images. We tried to compare medical photographs of 15 surgical specimens from neck tumors with 3D reconstructed images of same patients. Material and Methods : Fifteen patients with neck tumors treated surgically were recruited. Medical photograph of the surgical specimens were collected for comparison. 3D reconstruction of neck CT from same patients with aid of 3D-doctor software gave 3D images of neck masses. Width and height of tumors of each photos and images from the same cases were calculated and compared statistically. Visual similarities were rated between photos and 3D images. Results : No statatistical difference were found in size between medical photos and 3D images. Visual similarity score were higher between 2 groups of images. Conclusion : 3D reconstructed images of neck mass looked alike the real photographs of excised neck mass with similar calculated sizes. It could give us reliable visual information about the mass.



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