Semen Quality of the Black Bengal Bucks Used at Commercial Artificial Insemination

  • Received : 2010.09.22
  • Accepted : 2010.10.05
  • Published : 2010.12.31


Only an optimum number of viable spermatozoa in a frozen-thawed insemination dose can ensure conception at artificial insemination (AI). We report here the percentages of normal, abnormal and viable spermatozoa present in the frozen-thawed semen of 20 Black Bengal bucks used for commercial AI. Bucks in this experiment were of 19.3~46.1 months old and 25~42 kg body weight. Four semen straws (0.25 ml) from each buck were collected for evaluation of their kinetic parameters. Scrotal circumference was measured by using a scrotal tape, sperm motility was estimated on eye estimation and sperm concentration was determined by using a haemocytometer. Sperm morphology was studied in paraformaldehyde fixed spermatozoa under differential interference contrast (DIC) microscope. To determine the proportion of live (plasma membrane intact) spermatozoa, semen was stained with SYBR-14 and propidium iodide and examined under fluorescent microscope. Scrotal circumference, post-thaw sperm motility, sperm concentration per insemination dose and proportion of normal spermatozoa were $21.5{\pm}0.7\;cm$, $43.5 {\pm}5.4%$, $83.5{\pm}6.7$ million and $88.3{\pm}4.1%$, respectively. The percentages of spermatozoa with head shape and acrosome abnormalities were lower ($2.7{\pm}1.1$ and $1.4{\pm}1.3$, respectively), whereas higher percentages of abnormalities ($7.0{\pm}1.8$) were observed in mid piece and tail portion. The proportion of live spermatozoa was $28.5{\pm}5.4$. It is concluded that although a good number of morphologically normal spermatozoa are present in the insemination dose, the proportion of live spermatozoa is low, which warrants further improvements of buck semen freezing procedures to ensure good quality at AI.



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