외모에 대한 사회문화적 태도, 자아존중감, 신체매력 지각이 체중 및 의복관리행동에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Sociocultural Attitudes Toward Appearance, Self-Esteem, and Physical Attractiveness Perceptiveness on Weight and Clothing Management Behaviors

  • 황윤정 (대구가톨릭대학교 패션디자인학과) ;
  • 유태순 (대구가톨릭대학교 패션디자인학과)
  • Hwang, Yun-Jung (Dept. of Fashion Design, Catholic University of Daegu) ;
  • Yoo, Tai-Soon (Dept. of Fashion Design, Catholic University of Daegu)
  • 투고 : 2010.10.19
  • 심사 : 2010.11.05
  • 발행 : 2010.11.30


This study researches appearance management behaviors through their interests in appearance and the degree of their management among undergraduates to study the effects of sociocultural attitudes toward appearance, self-esteem, and perceptive physical attractiveness on face and hair management behavior. A questionnaire was distributed to 825 female/male undergraduates in Daegu city and Gyeongbuk province. SPSS 12.0 package was used for data analysis; in addition, frequency analysis, factor analysis, and Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ multiple regression analysis were utilized. The results were as follows: 1) In negative weight management behaviors, internalization among sociocultural attitudes and personal physical attractiveness among the physical attractiveness perceptive showed positive effects, while self-esteem showed negative effects. 2) Internalization of sociocultural attitudes and social physical attractiveness of physical attractiveness perception seemed to have positive effects with regard to positive weight management behavior. 3) Internalization among sociocultural attitudes and social physical attractiveness among physical attractiveness was influenced positively in terms of clothing management behavior.



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피인용 문헌

  1. A Study on Sociocultural Attitudes and Appearance Management Behavior in accordance with Gender Role Identity vol.16, pp.3, 2012,
  2. Effects of Body Mass Index, Self-esteem, and Sociocultural Attitude toward Appearance on Diet Awareness vol.18, pp.2, 2016,
  3. The Effects of Fashion Behaviors and Impression Management Behaviors on Career Success of Male Office Workers : Applying PLS Structural Equation Modeling vol.40, pp.1, 2016,
  4. Effect of Standards of Selecting Jeans and Appearance Management Behavior on Leisure Lifestyle vol.16, pp.6, 2012,
  5. Effect of Sociocultural Attitude toward Appearance and Appearance Comparison on Appearance Management Behavior of Adolescents vol.39, pp.1, 2015,
  6. Antecedents of dressing style vol.21, pp.5, 2013,
  7. The Effects of Perception of Body Shape, Self-esteem, Body Cathexis, and Body Image on Fashion Leadership by Korean and Japanese Female College Students vol.15, pp.5, 2013,
  8. Self-efficacy and Body Satisfaction according to College Students' Appearance Management Attitudes Typology vol.20, pp.4, 2012,
  9. The Influence of Sociocultural Attitude toward Appearance and Narcissism on Body Stress vol.18, pp.6, 2014,
  10. Fashion savvy II: The influences of fear of negative evaluation by others, self esteem, and consumer confidence in fashion decisions on fashion savvy vol.21, pp.4, 2013,
  11. Correlations among Cognitive Age, Sociocultural Attitudes towards Appearance, and Appearance Management Behavior vol.36, pp.7, 2012,
  12. The Effects of Sociocultural Attitudes toward Appearance and Appearance Management Attitudes on Fashion Behaviors - Focused on College Students - vol.14, pp.5, 2012,