복분자 추출액 급이 사양꿀과 일부 시판꿀의 항산화활성 비교

Comparison of Some Antioxidative Activities of Feeding Honey from the Mixture of Extract of Rubus Coreanus Miquel and Sugar with Three Types of Honeys on the Market

  • 투고 : 2010.11.08
  • 심사 : 2010.12.17
  • 발행 : 2010.12.30


To make sure of the usefulness of extract of Rubus coreanus Miquel for producing functional feeding honey, we compared some antioxidative indicators of feeding honey using extract of Rubus coreanus Miquel with acacia honey, SueBee Clover honey(USA), feeding honey on the market. The water content of four honeys were 16.6~26.5%, pH were 3.18~3.70, and titratable acidity ranged 0.018~0.022%. The phenolic compound contents of SueBee Clover honey and feeding honey using extract of Rubus coreanus Miquel were 8.3 mg/100 g and 7.3 mg/100 g, respectively, and were significaltly higher thgheacacia honey and feeding honey on the market. The flavonoid contents per 100 g of honey ranged from 2.3 mg(acacia honey) to 15.0 mg(SueBee Clover honey). DPPH anion scavenging activity of four honeys were not high. 0.5~2.0 g/ml of feeding honey using extract of Rubus coreanus Miquel was 16~36% and showed a concentration-reliant figure. At the concentration of 0.25~0.75 mg/ml, the reducing power of four honeys increased concentration-dependently, and the power of 0.25 mg/ml of feeding honey using extract of Rubus coreanus Miquel was corresponding to thgt of $150{\mu}g$/ml of a vitamin C solution. ABTS radical scavenging activity of feeding honey using extract of Rubus coreanus Miquel was 43.3~68.4%; the highest activity amongst all samples. When plotting the dose-response curve, ABTS radical scavenging activity also increased as their concentration increased from 62.5 mg/ml to 500 mg/ml. The heat treatment reduced the phenolic compound contents of acacia honey and feeding honey using extract of Rubus coreanus DPPH anion scavenging activity of feeding honey on the market and feeding honey using extract of Rubus coreanus Miquel did not changed significaltly after heating for 20 min, and the three honey except SueBee Clover honey maintained the reducing power with the same treatment.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 상지대학교


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