The Information Leisure Activity of the Aging Generation and the Analysis of Meaning

노년기 소비자의 정보화 여가활동 연구와 의미 분석

  • 김연정 (호서대학교 디지털비즈니스학부)
  • Received : 2010.10.01
  • Accepted : 2010.11.25
  • Published : 2010.11.30


Many social and environmental changes have emerged due to the increasing size of the aging generation. This study explored the current status of the information leisure activity of the aging generation (computer use activity, internet service participation, social community participation and blogging, UCC, etc.) and the need for serious games among elderly consumers. It analyzed the current status of serious game and information leisure span as determined by experts on elderly care at the aging welfare institute. The research methods involved applying content analysis and focus group interviews. The results were as follows: The elderly are willing to enjoy the internet and economics networks. In particular, economic investment, economic news, health, meetings, and communication are the main internet search categories. The results for serious games are less interesting than those for IT participation. The components of usefulness in terms of serious games, as identified by care experts, are simplicity, a user-friendly interface, efficacy, and certainty in using the game device. Care experts recognize that serious games represent a supplementary device to traditional physical and emotional therapy.



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