Development of a Simulator by Assimilating Survey Approach with Computational Theory for the Research of Organizational Activities

  • Received : 2010.03.02
  • Accepted : 2010.06.09
  • Published : 2010.12.01


An enterprise must achieve both a sound organizational management and effective development of individual members while maintaining a balanced approach. Relative to this, there is a research field dubbed as Organizational Activation. However, there is a necessity to clarify various factors required for organizational activation and to propose a methodology for organization management. This study is an attempt to create a model from an organization-a University Seminar Class-and agents therein-the Students and the Teacher-with an assumed goal of advancing together toward the students' self-growth. The model is expressed on two dimensional planes with vectors through a computer. Vectors are composed of the growth, demand, member, hindrance and student vectors. These vectors provide data to the mathematical model for a simulation. Each agent provided the individual information from the questionnaire-conducted to 169 university students. From the analysis data and extrapolations, this study was able to craft a guideline for future seminar activity. It also examines the possibility of assimilation of the Questionnaire Approach and that of the Computational Organization Theory approach. Finally, this study discusses the future possibility of application of the Assimilated Method for research and development, and for project management.



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