묵시적 위치등록을 고려한 거리기준 위치등록의 모형화 및 성능 분석

Modeling and Performance Analysis of Distance-Based Registration Considering Implicit Registration

  • 이태한 (전북대학교 산업정보시스템공학과) ;
  • 서재준 (한밭대학교 산업경영공학과) ;
  • 문유리 (전북대학교 산업정보시스템공학과) ;
  • 백장현 (전북대학교 산업정보시스템공학과)
  • Lee, Tae-Han (Dept. of Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Suh, Jae-Joon (Dept. of Industrial and Management Engineering, Hanbat National University) ;
  • Moon, Yu-Ri (Dept. of Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Baek, Jang-Hyun (Dept. of Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, Chonbuk National University)
  • 투고 : 2010.09.19
  • 심사 : 2010.11.05
  • 발행 : 2010.12.01


In this study, we consider performance analysis of distance-based registration (DBR). DBR causes a mobile station (MS) to register its location when the distance between the current base station (BS) and the BS in which it last registered exceeds a distance threshold D. In general, DBR has some advantages over the other registration schemes but has a tendency to causes an MS to register more frequently than zone-based registration (ZBR) that is adopted in most of mobile communication systems. The DBR with implicit registration (DBIR) was proposed to improve the performance of DBR. In this study, we point out some problems of the previous analytical model based on continuous time Markov chain and analyze exact performance of the DBIR. We show that the DBIR always outperforms the DBR by using our exact analytical model.



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