국내 트렌디 드라마에 나타난 옴므파탈 이미지의 패션 스타일

Fashion Style of Homme Fatale Image Represented in the Trendy Teleplays of Korea

  • 투고 : 2010.04.21
  • 심사 : 2010.10.06
  • 발행 : 2010.10.31


As the selective role model for the public and the creators of fashion style, the characters of homme fatale image presented in the Korean 'trendy' teleplays have significant influence on the audience. In this study, the concept of homme fatale, is defined, and the inherent meaning of this recent coinage(homme fatale) and the characteristics of the image are discussed. And then, the fashion styles classified into homme fatale image are exhaustively analyzed to find out the recent trends of men's fashion which represent the new masculine image and its meaning. According to the result of this analysis, the fashion styles of homme fatale image, which expresses the new image reflecting the traits of contemporary men, can be subdivided into traditional classic style, modern dandy style, easy casual style, and glam sexy style. Traditional classic style represents perfect masculine image with its dignity and formality, while modern dandy style expresses the modern, urban, elegant, and refined images. Easy casual style emphasizes the active and liberal image of men, and the glam sexy style tries to stress the sexual attractiveness of men. These fashion styles are important elements which express not only the characteristics, the social status, the jobs but also the psychology of the characters, and they present the various fashion styles expressing the masculine sexuality.



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