Decision Tree of Occupational Lung Cancer Using Classification and Regression Analysis

  • Kim, Tae-Woo (Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency) ;
  • Koh, Dong-Hee (Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency) ;
  • Park, Chung-Yill (Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea)
  • 투고 : 2010.04.29
  • 심사 : 2010.09.16
  • 발행 : 2010.12.30


Objectives: Determining the work-relatedness of lung cancer developed through occupational exposures is very difficult. Aims of the present study are to develop a decision tree of occupational lung cancer. Methods: 153 cases of lung cancer surveyed by the Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute (OSHRI) from 1992-2007 were included. The target variable was whether the case was approved as work-related lung cancer, and independent variables were age, sex, pack-years of smoking, histological type, type of industry, latency, working period and exposure material in the workplace. The Classification and Regression Test (CART) model was used in searching for predictors of occupational lung cancer. Results: In the CART model, the best predictor was exposure to known lung carcinogens. The second best predictor was 8.6 years or higher latency and the third best predictor was smoking history of less than 11.25 pack-years. The CART model must be used sparingly in deciding the work-relatedness of lung cancer because it is not absolute. Conclusion: We found that exposure to lung carcinogens, latency and smoking history were predictive factors of approval for occupational lung cancer. Further studies for work-relatedness of occupational disease are needed.



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