공적분 분석을 이용한 우리나라 수입수산물의 수요함수 추정 : 관세감축영향분석

Estimation of Demand Functions for Imported Fisheries Products Using Cointegration Analysis: Effect Analysis of Tariff Reduction

  • 남종오 (한국해양수산개발원 기획조정본부) ;
  • 김수진 (한국해양수산개발원 수산정책연구본부)
  • Nam, Jong-Oh (Planning & Coordination Division Korea Maritime Institute) ;
  • Kim, Soo-Jin (Fisheries Policy Research Division Korea Maritime Institute)
  • 발행 : 2010.03.30


This study investigated the effects of imported fisheries products on WTO/DDA tariff negotiations. To calculate the results, the study estimated the demand functions of imported fisheries products by using unit root and cointegration approaches. These approaches allowed us to solve spurious regression problems with macro-economic variables. In addition, this study surmised the effects of change by individually imported fish products from a tariff negotiation model using price elasticities of estimated import demand function. In a process of the analysis for estimating import effects, this study found out that 39 out of 128 imported fish products had positive (+) price elasticities or did not exhibit cointegrations. To cure this problem, this study suggested that the effects of these 39 imported products be estimated with the average variation rate of import volume, rather than by the Ordinary Least Squares approach. In this study, a case-study of tariff formula with coefficient 8 based on a 'Swiss formula' for priority duty rate of 2001 and 2008 was used by to analyze the effect of change in the 128 imported fish products of both years, respectively.



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