하이브리드 병렬 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 최적 신뢰도-중복 할당 문제

An Optimal Reliability-Redundancy Allocation Problem by using Hybrid Parallel Genetic Algorithm

  • Kim, Ki-Tae (Department of Operations Research, Korea National Defense University) ;
  • Jeon, Geon-Wook (Department of Operations Research, Korea National Defense University)
  • 투고 : 2009.10.29
  • 심사 : 2010.01.27
  • 발행 : 2010.06.01


Reliability allocation is defined as a problem of determination of the reliability for subsystems and components to achieve target system reliability. The determination of both optimal component reliability and the number of component redundancy allowing mixed components to maximize the system reliability under resource constraints is called reliability-redundancy allocation problem(RAP). The main objective of this study is to suggest a mathematical programming model and a hybrid parallel genetic algorithm(HPGA) for reliability-redundancy allocation problem that decides both optimal component reliability and the number of component redundancy to maximize the system reliability under cost and weight constraints. The global optimal solutions of each example are obtained by using CPLEX 11.1. The component structure, reliability, cost, and weight were computed by using HPGA and compared the results of existing metaheuristic such as Genetic Algoritm(GA), Tabu Search(TS), Ant Colony Optimization(ACO), Immune Algorithm(IA) and also evaluated performance of HPGA. The result of suggested algorithm gives the same or better solutions when compared with existing algorithms, because the suggested algorithm could paratactically evolved by operating several sub-populations and improve solution through swap, 2-opt, and interchange processes. In order to calculate the improvement of reliability for existing studies and suggested algorithm, a maximum possible improvement(MPI) was applied in this study.



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