영아반 보육실습 체험에 대한 의미

Meaning of Student Teaching Experiences in Daycare Centers for Toddler

  • 천혜정 (숙명여대 평생교육원 아동학학점은행제) ;
  • 서영숙 (숙명여대 아동복지학과)
  • 투고 : 2010.04.30
  • 심사 : 2010.06.15
  • 발행 : 2010.06.30


본 연구는 어린이집 영아반 보육실습에서 예비보육교사들이 어떠한 체험을 하는지, 그 체험의 의미가 무엇인지를 드러내어, 예비보육교사들의 영아반 보육실습에 대한 이해를 제공하는데 연구목적이 있다. 연구방법은 서울의 A대학 유아교육과 3학년 학생 4명의 보육실습 체험을 8개월간 수집한 내러티브 연구이다. 예비보육교사들의 영아반 보육실습의 체험은 개인마다 다양하였으며 실습을 통하여 교사가 되어가는 것의 가치와 영아에 대한 이해, 영아보육에 대한 이해를 나타내고 있다. 영아반보육실습의 의미는 예비보육교사가 보육실습에서 자기존재를 확인하고 교사로서 자신을 돌아보는 자기성찰의 태도를 통하여 자기정체성을 형성해 나가는 과정이고, 가르치는 일에 행복함을 체험하는 과정이었다. 또한 영아보육교사의 역할은 영아들의 삶에 진정으로 마음을 다하여 함께 하는 돌봄의 자세임을 알아가고 있다.

The purpose of this study was to provide a better understanding of prospective teachers' experiences during their toddler educaring practicum and what the meanings of their experiences are. A narrative study on practicum experiences was conducted with four junior students who major in early childhood education in A university in Seoul. The experiences of prospective teachers in daycare centers for toddler were diverse. Such diverse experiences allowed teachers to find the meaning of the relationship between teacher and toddler and to learn what being a teacher was like. And they showed positive changes in their attitude toward practicum and becoming toddler care and education teachers following improved understanding about the lives and development of toddlers and care-giving and teaching skills. The meaning of toddler educaring practicum was explained as building justification for existence and essential identity through continuous self-reflection, and experiencing happiness of caring and teaching toddlers. During the practice, they also learned that teachers in charge of toddlers should understand their lives, provide child friendly and stable environments, and be receptive and sensitively respond to them according to their needs and developmental levels. Student teachers realized that their role was to give loving care and to have sincere concern about the lives of toddlers.



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