A Study on Field Applications of Polymer-Modified Warm Asphalt Concrete Mixture using Admixture

첨가제를 이용한 중온형 폴리머 개질 아스팔트 콘크리트 혼합물의 실용화 연구

  • Received : 2010.03.28
  • Accepted : 2010.06.01
  • Published : 2010.06.30


This paper presents the field applications of polymer-modified warm asphalt mixture which can reduce the temperature during the production and field constructions. The amount of fuel consumptions and $CO_2$ diffusions can be reduced by much using the polymer-modified warm asphalt mixture instead of the conventional polymer-modified asphalt mixture. According to the research results, the polymer-modified warm asphalt mixture can be utilized without additional temperature increasement and performance sacrifice during the plant production and public service, respectively. As a result, it is considered that the application of the polymer-modified warm asphalt mixture has the potential of convenience in constructions management and reducing the environmental damages.



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