A Study on Information Exploration Characteristic and Relative Importance Evaluation of Island Tourism Web Site

수산해양관광 관련 웹사이트의 정보탐색 특성과 상대적 중요도 평가에 대한 연구

  • Received : 2010.08.02
  • Accepted : 2010.09.24
  • Published : 2010.09.30


This study examines the information exploration characteristic and relative importance evaluation of island tourism web site. The survey items are developed based on the related studies and also implemented particular way so-called 'semi-online' that including both web based material and offline tutorial. The first objective of this study is verifying the characteristics of information exploration on island tourism of university students. The second is examining the peculiar properties of tourism information that exposed one's individual importance evaluation. The result of this study shows that most of the students have no difficulty in using the internet and exploring the island tourism information. And there is no significant difference in using and exploring the internet between male and female students. Based on the result of this study, most popular type of island tourism information is picture type. Personal blog or user created contents(UCC) that containing the other's experience of island tourism is mostly wanted contents. But there is a significant difference in importance of contents within the students. The community based information which including UCC, blog, and other community user's posting is evaluated the most important information for relatively less experienced students. On the other hand more experienced students have a preference on expertise information which created by tourism experts. The difference within the determinant factors that affecting island tourism also significant. With analysis of variance(ANOVA) on determinant factors, the tourism activity and social/culture resource are less important than others(eg. natural environment, accommodation and so on). The result of this study would be practically used for implementing the local government's effective tourism web site and enhancing the current island tourism operation. And also it gives a advantage to facilitate the island tourism for young generations.



Supported by : 경상대학교


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