Nurses' Attitude toward Migrant Wives

결혼이민 여성에 대한 간호사의 태도

  • Kim, Duck-Hee (Department of Nursing, Woosuk University) ;
  • Kim, Shin-Mi (Department of Nursing, Changwon University) ;
  • Lee, Yun-Jung (Department of Nursing, Woosuk University) ;
  • Park, Hern-Rye (CNO, Department of Nursing, Chonbuk University Hospital) ;
  • Cho, Myung-Sook (Department of Clinical Nursing Science at Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine) ;
  • Koo, Hyo-Jin (Department of Early Childhood Special Education, Woosuk University)
  • 김덕희 (우석대학교 간호학과) ;
  • 김신미 (창원대학교 간호학과) ;
  • 이윤정 (우석대학교 간호학과) ;
  • 박헌례 (전북대학교병원 간호부) ;
  • 조명숙 (성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 임상간호학교실) ;
  • 구효진 (우석대학교 유아특수교육학과)
  • Received : 2010.10.05
  • Accepted : 2010.12.08
  • Published : 2010.12.31


Purpose: The survey was performed to explore nurses' attitudes toward migrant wives in Korean society. Method: Four hundred thirty-eight respondents were recruited from 2 acute hospitals from 2 different geological areas. The attitude inventory to measure attitude toward migrant wives was utilized, which includes 6 factors such as prejudice, reliability, offensiveness, interests, acceptance, and influence. Result: The overall attitude was slightly positive (3.23) and reliability was the only non-positive scoring factor. Among the general characteristics education level showed a significant difference in 5 factors consistently compared to other characteristics. Conclusion: It can be concluded that Korean nurses tend to take a neutral to slightly positive attitude toward migrant wives. Therefore, any influence from nurses' attitudes related to migrant wives can be ignored. Obstacles or barriers which could hamper nursing care for migrant wives need to be identified and studies of strategies to overcome any existing barriers are called for.



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Cited by

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  2. Knowledge about Multicultural and Attitude toward Migrant Wives by Nursing Students vol.41, pp.1, 2016,