Supported by : 한국학술진흥재단
Joseon was a Confucian dynasty. It was ruled by Kings of the Royal family that had secured the orthodoxy of clan rules under Confucian ideas. Royal family was the main prop of Confucian culture and Kings were leaders who leaded society and culture from the top. Therefore, Kings should complete more strict and intense education than noblemen. The Royal family and the government should have to establish prime educational environments and systems to foster successors qualified for the throne. This study focused on educational institutes and educational ceremonies. Study on educational institutes could clarify the purposes of educational institutes that were installed along the growth of throne successors and the educational courses that successors completed by each period. On the other hand, study on educational ceremonies could make it clear how were throne successors given with authority and did they internalize the duty of sense as the leader to lead next generation. In addition, by tracing the form with which politics and education had combined each other through ceremonies, it could be learned that the ceremonies of Joseon Dynasty had have a unique 'educational function'.
정조는 1752년(영조 28) 9월 22일에 탄강하여, 8세에 왕세손 책봉례, 10세에 입학례와 관례를 치르고, 11세에 아버지 사도세자가 훙서(薨逝)하자 왕세손이면서 동궁(東宮)으로 진봉(進封) 되었고, 24세에 왕위계승자의 실무교육이라고 할 수 있는 대리청정 수행을 거쳐 25세에 등극하였다. 조선왕실의 왕위계승교육은 성장과정에 따라 기관의 명칭과 위상을 달리하며, 국가적인 차원에서 조직적이고 체계적으로 진행되었다. 곧 보양청(보육기관)
Supported by : 한국학술진흥재단