친환경농식품의 고객충성도 및 구매특성에 관한 연구

Analysis of Customer Loyalty and Purchasing Behaviors towards Environment-friendly Agricultural Products

  • 조제억 (한국식품산업연구소) ;
  • 유덕기 (동국대학교 식품산업시스템학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


Under the changed market condition, The objectives of this study are to develop and test a research model specifying the relationship between customer loyalty and sale of environment-friendly food in korea. The target population of this research is consumers in seoul and some major cities. they are judged to have bigger environment-friendly food buying power and represent the future environment-friendly food consumption trend in korea. Results acquired from statistical analysis can be summarized like the following. The label-related components were important factors effecting the satisfaction and the loyalty. Also this study indicate that the customer loyalty is positively related to producer, ingredient indication, advertisement, and negatively related to price.



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