온실의 깍지벌레과(노린재목)에 대한 발생조사

Notes on Armored Scale Species from Greenhouse in Korea (Hemiptera: Diaspididae)

  • 서수정 (국립식물검역원 중부격리재배관리소) ;
  • 이성진 (국립식물검역원 무안공항사무소) ;
  • Suh, Soo-Jung (Central Post-entry Quarantine Station, National Plant Quarantine Service) ;
  • Lee, Sung-Jin (Muan International Airport Office, National Plant Quarantine Service) ;
  • Hodges, Gregory S. (Florida Department Agriculture, Division of Plant Industry)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


우리나라에 1920년대 후반부터 현재까지 72종의 깍지벌레과가 보고되었으며, 이중 9종은 온실에서 보고된 종이다. 온실에서 보고된 9종중 7종은 야외에서 서식하는 자생식물 또는 온실에서 재배되는 식물에서 발생이 확인되지 않았다. 나머지 2종은 온실에서 재배되고 있는 파인애플, 틸란드시아 및 선인장에서 채집 확인되었으나, 야외에서 서식하는 자생식물에서 발생되지 않았다.

Seventy two species of armored scale have been recorded from the Korean peninsula since late 1920s. Nine of these species were obtained from greenhouses. Of these 9 armored scale species, 7 species are considered to have failed to colonize fields or greenhouses and 2 species, which were collected from pineapple plants, Tillandsia plants and cactus trees in greenhouses, were never taken from the exterior environment.



  1. Borchsenius, N.S. 1966, A catalogue of the annored scale insect (Diaspididae) of the world, 449 pp, Nauka Leningrad
  2. Danzig, E.M. 1980, Coccids of the Far-Eastern USSR (Hornoptera, Coccinea): Phylogenetic analysis of coccids in the world fauna, 367 pp. Nauka Leningrad
  3. Kanda, S. 1942, Studies on Coccidae from Corea (III), Insect world 46: 3-10
  4. Kanda, S, 1942a. Studies on Coccidae from Corea (IV), Insect world 46: 6-9
  5. Kwon, a.M., M.J. Han and D.R. Choi. 2003, Scale insects (Sternorrhyncha) occurring on flowering plants in Korea, Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 44: 51-59
  6. Kwon, a.M., MJ. Han and Y.H. Lee. 2003, The genus Au/acaspis Cockerell, 1893 (Sternorrhyncha, Diaspididae) in Korea, Korean Journal of Applied Entomology 42: 15-20
  7. Machia, T. and T. Aoyama. 1928, Pest insects of Korea (I), 308 pp., quoted in Paik, W.H. 1978, Illustrated flora and fauna of Korea, vol' 22, Insecta (VI), Coccoidea. 481 pp, Ministry of Education
  8. Miller, D.R. and J.A. Davidson. 2005, Annored scales insects pests of trees and shrubs (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), 456 pp. Cornell University Press
  9. Nakahara, S. 1982, Checklist of the annored scales (Homoptera: Diaspididae) of the contenninous United States, 110 pp. U.S, Department Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
  10. Nakayama, S. 1933, Notes on scale insects and host plants from Korea, Oyo-Dobutsugaku Zassi (Japanese Society for Applied Zoology) 3: 226-229
  11. Paik, J.e. 2000, Economic Insects of Korea 6, Homoptera (Coccinea), Insecta Koreana Suppl. 13. 193 pp. National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology
  12. Paik, W.H. 1972, Scale insects found in the greenhouse in Korea, Korean Journal Plant Protection 11: 1-4
  13. Paik, W.H. 1978, Illustrated Flora and Fauna of Korea, vol. 22, Insecta (VI), Coccoidea, 481 pp. Ministry of Education
  14. Saito, K. 1931, More important injurious forest insects in Korea, Bulletin Agricultural Forest Collection Suigen Chosen 4: 79-80, quoted in Paik, W.H. 1978 ,Illustrated flora and fauna of Korea, vol 22, Insecta (VI), Coccoidea. 481 pp. Ministry of Education
  15. Suh, S.J. and O.S. Hodges. 2007, Identification of annored scales (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) on bamboos in Korea, Journal AsiaPacific Entomology 10: 1-3

피인용 문헌

  1. Insecticidal Activity of Chinese Honeysuckle, Quisqualis indica Extracts against Scale Insects vol.18, pp.2, 2014,