일개 도시 취약 가족의 특성에 관한 조사연구

A Survey on the Characteristics of Vulnerable Families in a City

  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


Purpose: This study aimed at describing the characteristics and nursing needs of vulnerable families in a City. Methods: A total of 427 vulnerable families enrolled in the Visiting Health Care Center in K-gu of S city were investigated in this study. Data were collected using questionnaires for one year from Jan to Dec, 2003, and analysed using mean, standard deviation and $x^2$. Results: Most of the vulnerable families investigated here showed many deficits, especially incomplete family structure (62.8%), financial problem (84.0%), lack of support (55.8%) were prevalent. The score of level of economic status in Family Capability for Self management ($1.95{\pm}0.65$) was lowest, and the score of perception of family problem and health of family members ($2.62{\pm}0.78$) was highest. The four family groups divided according to the total score of family management capability showed significant differences in family interaction, support, and coping domain. The total score of family management capability increased as family functioning-related problems decreased in the vulnerable families. Conclusion: In order to find vulnerable families, and improve their family function, it is required to develop the systematic assesment tools, community supportive systems and nursing interventions for family strength.



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